Click below to read the bios of the Honorary Chair, Honorees, and Featured Artists.
Concert Sponsors for 2021
Tier 1 Cols. Wendy & Anthony Yeldell
Tier 2 Ms. Rachael G. Henderson
Dr. Dwight D. Andrews & Dr. Desiree Pedescleaux
Min. Harry & Mrs. Karen Holley, Sr.
Drs. Webster & LaMarian Wallace
Ms. Katherine R. Wilson
Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, M.D.
Rev. Marion A. Humphrey
Mrs. Rose Logan-Lee
Mr. Walter & Mrs. Stella Murray
Mr. Harold & Dr. Cynthia Neal Spence
Mr. Roosevelt & Mrs. Bernita Winfrey
Mr. Melvin Buchanan
Ms. Allise M. Calloway
Ms. Brenda K. Collier
Dr. Joyce F. Johnson
Dr. Joycelyn Jonas-Fowler & Dr. Joseph Fowler
Ms. Karen Kellum
N. Thomas Law, LL
Mr. Dwaine T. Price
Ms. Veronica Ransom
Mr. Robert & Mrs. Bettie Rounsaville
Mr. N. Paul & Mrs. Bertha H. Smith
Mr. Gary & Mrs. Janet Thompson
Mr. George E. Armstrong
Mr. Derrin Bellamy & Mrs. Helen Bellamy
Mr. Charles Chambers
Mr. & Mrs. Cedric Davis
Rev. Harold & Mrs. Gladys Davis
Ms. Emma Fountain
Ms. Dorothy L. Hill
The Honorable Patsy J. Hilliard
Ms. Helen P. Kelley
Dr. Natalie Lambright
Ms. Cynthia Lemon
Mr. Norris & Mrs. Amelia Long
Mr. Cecil Moore
Ms. Erin Murray
Dr. Nichole Murray
Mr. James & Mrs. Chorsie Smith
Mrs. Theresa Smith